Why do you need a dedicated server

dedicated server


Why do you need a dedicated server?

When comparing other server types such as Dedicated Servers and VPS, here are the main points that Dedicated Solutions are talking about.


Shared hosting means that your website is one of many, although you won't see them when you log in. But they are on the same computer as you and are competing for the same resources as you. If one of them is popular or a victim of code bugs. The performance of your site may be greatly reduced.

In the next step after shared hosting Virtual Private Server (VPS), you still share resources with other users. But less so in the shared hosting scenario. Since the resources are hidden at the operating system level, VPS owners don't have to rely on them too much. VPS provides root access. So if you have your own server You don't have to worry about invisible neighbors taking up your resources.

While shared hosting and VPS hosting are great options for small and medium-sized websites, they are not the best choice. But dedicated server hosting is great for larger businesses that want guaranteed performance.


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